Add data or documents... Title Date Version File Minutes Kick-off workshop (Sept '16, Wageningen) 2016.09.29 1.0 Crop Nutrient Gaps Minutes Kick-off September 14 2016.pdf Presentation UNL 2016.09.16 1.0 Grassini UNL on-going projects Wageningen Sept 2016.pptx WUR CCAFS - Yara ECCAg trials - Frank Brentrup 2016.09.14 1 Brentrup_ECCAg summary_Wageningen_07Sep2016.pdf WP1 presentation 2016.09.14 2.0 CCAFS WP1_General Concepts.pptx WP2 presentation - GHGs 2016.09.14 1.0 CCAFS WP2_GHGs.pptx CCAFS, WUR Overview presentation 2016.09.07 1.0 CCAFS_WUR_Overview.pptx CIMMYT Projects 2016.09.07 1.0 WUR Meeting_CIMMYT Projects.pptx WP1 presentation 2016.09.07 1.0 WUR CCAFS Nutrient gaps - WP1 yield gap legumes.pptx WP2 presentation 2016.09.07 1.0 WP2_WUR CCAFS Nutrient gaps.pptx WP3 presentation 2016.09.07 1.0 WP3_WUR CCAFS Nutrient gaps.pptx WP4 Presentation 2016.09.07 1.0 WP4 scaling out final.pptx Agenda 2016.09.06 2.0 draft 05 09 16 Nutrient gaps Wageningen workshop 2016 agenda draft (2).pdf WP1 General concepts 2016.09.06 1.0 WUR CCAFS Nutrient gaps - WP1 General concepts.pdf WP1 Yield gaps legumes 2016.09.06 1.0 WUR CCAFS Nutrient gaps - WP1 Yield gaps legumes.pdf WP2, WP3 2016.09.06 1.0 WUR CCAFS Nutrient gaps WP2_WP3.pdf WP4 scaling out 2016.09.06 1.0 WUR CCAFS Nutrient gaps - WP4 scaling out.pdf WP5 2016.09.06 1.0 WUR CCAFS Nutrient gaps - WP5.pdf Work plan of Fertilizer project 2015.12.31 1.0 Work plan of Fertilizer project - CCAFS-revisions December 2015.pdf