Agenda - CNG and GCP4 NM workshop Intro June 2019 |
2019.06.26 |
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Agenda - CNG and GCP4 NM workshop Intro June 2019.pdf
Hijbeek et al - progress on trade-offs nutrient management |
2019.06.26 |
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Hijbeek et al - progress on trade-offs nutrient management.pdf
Mtakwa, Peter - Narrowing maize yield gaps to feed Tanzania.pdf |
2019.06.26 |
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Mtakwa, Peter - Narrowing maize yield gaps to feed Tanzania.pdf
Sida, Tesfaye - Scaling readiness GCP4 |
2019.06.26 |
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Sida, Tesfaye - Scaling readiness GCP4.pdf
Silva, Jao - Yield gaps across cereal-based production systems ET |
2019.06.26 |
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Silva, Jao - Yield gaps across cereal-based production systems ET.pdf
ten Berge - Minimum Nutrient Requirements for Maize Target Yields in |
2019.06.26 |
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ten Berge - Minimum Nutrient Requirements for Maize Target Yields in.pptx
Tomaso Ceccarelli - Innovation recommendation mapping in the project CASCAPE and REALISE |
2019.06.26 |
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Tomaso Ceccarelli - Innovation recommendation mapping in the project CASCAPE and REALISE.pdf
Van Ittersum, Martin- GYGA - Addis |
2019.06.26 |
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Van Ittersum, Martin- GYGA - Addis.pdf
VanLoon-Van Ittersum - GHG emission intensification scenarios |
2019.06.26 |
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VanLoon-Van Ittersum - GHG emission intensification scenarios.pdf